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Examples of Mastering at Glowcast Audio

Mastered at Glowcast: Regis remix of Percy X

By July 26, 2011No Comments

[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”″] Percy X – X-Trak 1 (Regis Remodel) – Soma 314d

SOMA 20 YEARS [1991 – 2011]

Tony Scott, aka Percy X, released some serious Techno on the label over the years. Pushing a tough, stripped and jacking array of beats and bass through the Electronic channels, Percy X released 3 albums on the Soma imprint; Spy X, Gain & Where’s The Music. The original X-Traks were his first ever release, back in 1995, and what a release to start with. In this release Joris Voorn and Regis step up on the remixes paying their respects to PERCY X.

Regis is of Techno legend status. Working his acclaimed Downwards label and also now running the much hyped Sandwell District, Regis has stayed true to his deep, yet often tough sound. In his remodel of X-Trak 1, Regis keeps a massive kick drum rolling behind those famous stabs. Soft and subtle synths sweep through the track adding a wondrously spacey feel that brings atmosphere and class.

The X-Trak 1 Remixes EP is a beautifully balanced affair from two unreal techno producers.

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Released by: Soma Recordings
Release/catalogue number: SOMA314D
Release date: Jul 25, 2011

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