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Examples of Mastering at Glowcast Audio

Mastered at Glowcast: Will Azada – Bodyworx EP [Cubera 004]

By October 1, 2012No Comments

Will Azada – Bodyworx EP Cubera 004

I’d like to introduce you to Will Azada, Cubera’s first new artist to join the ranks beyond myself. Will comes from the Southeastern region of the US–specifically from the unlikely burg of Knoxville, Tennessee–using its relative isolation from the wider “scene” to his advantage. Seamlessly blending his unique sound with a carefree mentality, Will has created an EP for Cubera that breaks the concept of the label’s single-artist roots. This collection of tracks offers up a blend of party vibes with a little attitude to them. Some tracks are tools, others are meant to be front and center, and these would certainly serve as the latter. I hope you enjoy these as much as I have over the past months.

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