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Examples of Mastering at Glowcast Audio

Mastered at Glowcast: Cassy, Ian Pooley, Dan Curtin, Chris Carrier

By November 1, 2011No Comments

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mastered by Conor Dalton @

Soma20 – Phase 14 [Soma322D]

1. Eastmen – U Dig (Cassy and Chris Carrier Remix)
2. Universal Principles – Latin Stroll (Pooley’s MPC Remix)
3. Rejuvination – IBO (Dan Curtin ‘Love That Universe’ Remix)

Soma’s new three track EP 322 supplies stunning interpretations of classic tracks released on the label. The three remixes give top contemporary Djs and Producers the chance to get firmly to grips with a diverse range of music
The first remix on the EP is a collaboration between Cassy and Chris Carrier. Both of these artists, one a Netherlands-based Brit, the other a lynchpin of the French scene enjoy great acclaim in various global dominions of House and Techno. Both enjoy various residences and have combined to create a fantastic reworking of Eastman’s 1994 release U Dig. Cassy and Chris Carrier have brought the track rushing up to date reflecting their constant engagement with contemporary sounds. A really fluid remix adds bubbling bass sounds and upbeat grooves to the distinctive original piano melody. The vocals have a hint more soulful ambience to them, developing the smooth nature of the original.

Next up Ian Pooley provides a strikingly different take on Universal Principles’ Latin stroll. This focused and intense artist imposes his great subtlety and complexity on the infectious Latin sound of the original. Pooley has created many remixes of late and this, another DPC remix takes edges of the original track and fills round them with a deft touch. A reworking of the rhythm patterns keeps the up tempo feel and elements of the trademark keys solo of the original are treated deferentially as they are cut into various new forms. The track hones in on the original themes and genre before smoothly veering away to expand the impact and revitalise the work.

The last remix to feature on the EP reiterates the diverse range of sounds which were originally championed by Soma. The heady 90’s track Rejuvination by IBO, which is steeped in Oldskool, blissful style is remixed by electronica pioneer Dan Curtin. Curtin has moved seamlessly through a range of musical styles. Thus informed by various sonic influences Curtin is the ideal man to take on yet another different sound. Curtin manages to invoke a great sense of the original track whilst bringing depth and progressive edge to the remix. The vocal track is lifted to greater prominence and sustained throughout so that the manipulated melody and bass spiral down with this stretched sample. The outcome of this balancing act is a smoother more polished sound which, whilst paying homage to the original goes into deeper more expansive realms of sonic interaction.

Released by: soma
Release/catalogue number: Soma 322d
Release date: Oct 31, 2011

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