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Examples of Mastering at Glowcast Audio

Mastered at Glowcast: Mark Reeve – Dice (Soma)

By May 1, 2012No Comments

Mark Reeve | Dice

1. Dice
2. Arena

Release date:- 30th April 2012

Mark Reeve joins the impeccable Soma roster this month with the release of his first EP on the label. Dice is a reassuringly expansive and engaging two track collection, including the eponymous Dice along with Arena both of which showcase the talents of this notable new addition.

Having done the requisite groundwork with extensive DJing experience MR has successfully moved into production and composition having a busy time in the last year creating and releasing numerous tracks and remixes. This association with Soma pays testament to his rising status as an individual artist.

Mark Reeve has had meaningful involvement with Soma recently through his influential involvement on Pig and Dan’s Origami EP, released on Soma records in February 2012. Therefore it is a fitting progression for Reeve to enjoy his first solo release on the label with the Dice EP.

Both of the tracks on this EP are diverse and deep in scope. The tactile and intricately crafted bass lines drive through Dice and Arena providing powerful foundation for melodic and rhythmic embellishment whilst maintaining coherence throughout. The dynamic drops on Dice clearly identify a well-honed insight into aspects of production. which serve to enhance and develop the physical and emotional presence of a track.

The overlays and varied sonic elements afford the whole production on both tracks serious intensity and enticingly well-balanced form. The careful considerations given to form and structure on Arena provide a fresh and innovative journey through the track, building and dropping in thoughtful and highly impactful fashion creating big, bold output.

This EP serves as a powerful solo début with Soma and represents bright prospects for Reeve’s future output.

Released by: soma
Release/catalogue number: Soma 335d
Release date: Apr 30, 2012
Mastered by Conor Dalton at Glowcast

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