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Examples of Mastering at Glowcast Audio

Mastered at Glowcast: ROD – Buikgrep / Mission (Soma Records)

By January 28, 2013No Comments

Rod Malmok

Mastered by Conor Dalton at Glowcast.

1. ROD – Buikgrep
2. ROD – Mission

ROD makes a welcome return to Soma Records for his first solo EP since he lent his hand
to two powerful new school updates of Slam classic ‘Positive Education’. The Buikgrep
EP delivers two jacking Techno monsters, delivered in ROD’s unique style. Think dark
warehouses, strobe lights and fist pumps!

Buikgrep kicks off the EP as a thunderous kick drum bumps its way over a syncopated hi-hat
pattern while slowly mutated stabs work their way in over the track. Slowing in pace to the
break where the drums fire back with full force, unrelenting to the end of the track. ROD has
definitely designed this one for the dance floors.

Second track Mission at first feels more on a house tip with a lighter sounding stab prevalent
from the get go. Don’t let this fool you however as this track it just as jacking as the previous.
The synth opens up into a typical ROD hypnotic loop whilst the drums once again rattle
around with total ferocity!

ROD is firmly placing himself in the top tier of the new school generation of Techno
producers and these two dance floor bomb are testament to someone who has immersed
themselves in dance music for well over a decade.


Rolando – ‘Buikgrep’ is HOT!!!!!! this should definitely go down well..
Adam Beyer – ROD is on a roll! excellent stuff
DJ Hyperactive – these will def work..! Nice mah man.
Len Faki – buikgrep are the one here for me! remembering me of older tasty
m plant releases. great job!
Speedy J – Thanks
DVS1 – both tracks are dope! Thanks!! GO ROD!!!
Par Grindvik – great one! Mission is the one for me. thanks
Norman Nodge – Solid ROD stuff, after listening to it once “Mission” is my
favourite track of the package.
Alan Fitzpatrick – Benny is on fire! get a hose! ha!
Dustin Zahn – both are solid but I’m preferring Mission on this one!
Joseph Capriati – full support on this one! thanks.
Technasia – excellent tracks! i’ll go for mission. will play
Ambivalent – ROD is on fire!!
Kyle Geiger – I like the old school vibes on both of these! Buikgrep is my
favorite though!
Mauro Picotto – great job ROD, looking forward to hear your remix of mine
now 😉