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Examples of Mastering at Glowcast Audio

Mastered at Glowcast: Slam – The RTM Project

By June 14, 2012No Comments

1. Slam – The Pimp Convention
2. Slam – The Sides Collide

Slam returned to the famed Sub Club for their monthly residency in October 2004. Return To Mono aimed to balance Slam’s heavier, more techno orientated night, Pressure @ The Arches, with a deeper, slower and more groove laden sound. ‘The RTM Project’ brings this sound out with the dense sandstone walls of the Sub Club to the dancefloors across the world.

‘The Pimp Convention’ is packed with the swinging percussion that Slam do so well. Winding around this rhythm is a hypnotic hook and swaggering vocal sample that adds a delicate touch of uneasy tension, while chest thumping sub bass underpins all. Slam are back in the House.

‘The Sides Collide’ slows the tempo and darkens the groove. An underlying disco influence can be heard in the track, but is brought back down to the undergrowth by a super heavy bassline and creepy, pitched vocal.

Slam’s RTM Project starts with a bang!

Released by: Paragraph
Release/catalogue number: PARA015
Release date: Jun 11, 2012

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