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About the mastering:

I had the pleasure to master Cleric’s Soma debut with the Twenty Fourteen EP. Having firmly stamped his name on the global Techno scene over the last few years on various labels and more recently his own CLERGY label, the young producer seeks to continue this run of form with this new 4 tracker.

Cleric wastes no time with opening track ‘Nowhere Fast’ with it’s bone crushing percussive workouts leading the charge. The slightly more subtle Moxie picks up the baton. Bouncing rhythmic structures give way to a gentle pad midway through yet still retains a forward moving template. Dualistic Soul ups the tempo yet sees Cleric embarking on more of a journey – taking things from his punishing rhythms into more melodic territory. Closing out this debut Soma EP is Arctic Circle, it’s beginnings leaning on more sub heavy elements to create a dark and forceful track backed as usual with Cleric’s shifting rhythms.

A great example of the new breed of UK Techno producers, Cleric is a welcome addition to the Soma roster.


1. Nowhere Fast
2. Moxie
3. Dualistic Soul
4. Arctic CircleCleric on Soma - mastered by Conor Dalton at Glowcast Audio Mastering Berlin

Released in September 2017

Mastered by Conor Dalton @ Glowcast Audio