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Examples of Mastering at Glowcast Audio

Mastered at Glowcast: Silicone Soul – Smokestak EP (Soma Records)

By October 30, 2012No Comments

Silicone Soul

[soma347d] 1. Smokestak
2. I Am
3. One Thing
4. Burning Sands (Hypnohouse Dub)
5. Like Mice In A Maze

Mastered at Glowcast by Conor Dalton.

Since the turn of the century, Glasgow duo Silicone Soul have been one of the corner-stones of the mighty Soma Quality Recordings, giving the label its first chart appearance with ‘Right On,’ while relentlessly pushing the boundaries of deep, soul-fuelled house music through their epoch-making albums.

As their esteemed Darkroom Dubs imprint approaches its tenth anniversary as one of the UK’s leading bastions of forward-thrusting subterranean house music, Craig Morrison and Graeme Reedie are releasing their first new music as Silicone Soul on Soma for almost three years.

Lead track ‘Smokestak’ is the pulsating embodiment of the raw house music seam the duo have been mining since the late 90’s: taking on board the essential groove and vital crowd-detonating manoeuvres while injecting flavours of music’s past legacy; in the case of the title track a sublimely extended saxophone line which, while evoking the burning soul of John Coltrane, knows how to stretch into the heart of the most delirious dance floor.

This underlying knowledge of and passion for music, which has always underpinned the pair’s musical explorations, positively explodes in the conga fury of ‘I Am,’ the soul power whipped up by gospel preaching. If that wasn’t enough, ‘Burning Sands’ is plucked from their second album, ‘Staring Into Space’ and given the deepest Hypnohouse Dub sheen. The sonic adventures are completed by ‘One Thing’ and the twilight zone finale of ‘Like Mice In A Maze.’

Dj’s, dancers and seen-it-all house stalwarts should be both honoured and enthralled to be assuaged by such a mighty missive. That it’s the door to Darkroom Dubs’ inner sanctum having its own first decade knees up is a frightening bonus.

Released by: soma
Release/catalogue number: Soma 347d
Release date: Oct 29, 2012

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